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What is covered (and not covered) by Genki Resident?
What is covered (and not covered) by Genki Resident?
Pedro avatar
Written by Pedro
Updated over a week ago

Genki Resident is an International health insurance that can offer you life-long coverage as there is no maximum time limit for the contract.

Payments are charged monthly by credit or debit card and the minimum insurance period is 12 months.

After the minimum insurance period of 12 months, it's possible to request the cancellation of the insurance on a monthly basis.

Every country in the world is covered, there are no exceptions. Yes, even countries with travel warnings.

There is no maximum limit for the amount of time you can stay in any country abroad. You can stay and be covered in any country abroad as long as you keep the insurance active without ever needing to go back to your home country.

Genki Resident has two variants (The Genki Resident and Genki Resident Premium) so you can decide to save some money by leaving some benefits out of your coverage.

What is included with each variant?

  • There is no overall maximum coverage limit. That's right! This means it doesn't matter how much a covered treatment costs, it will be covered no matter how high the price.

  • All types of accidents, emergencies, and common medical ailments.

  • Sports injuries (all sports are included without exception!).

  • Free choice of doctors and hospitals (for outpatient and inpatient care).

  • Telemedicine.

  • Direct payment to hospitals when hospitalization is needed.

  • Direct payment to doctors when using the Air Doctor app.

  • Outpatient medical consultations, treatments, and procedures:

    • Any type of medical procedure (dialysis, colonoscopy, chemotherapy e.g., etc.).

    • Medical examinations and lab tests
 (X-rays, blood analysis, CT, MRI, PET, etc.).

    • Medication, medical materials (bandages e.g.), and aids (e.g. aids for walking, rental of a wheelchair).

    • Treatment of chronic conditions
 (Cancer, diabetes, Crohn s disease, Lyme disease, etc.

  • Alternative/Holistic treatments:

    • Physiotherapy

    • Osteopathy (max. 20 sessions per year)

    • Chiropractic (max. 20 sessions per year)

    • Acupuncture, homeopathy, traditional Chinese medicine

    • Therapeutic massages

    • Additionally with the Genki Resident Premium:

      • Preventive care

        • Check-ups
 (routine health assessments for early detection of diseases)

        • Preventive medical examinations
 (Pap test, colonoscopy, sonography, cancer screening, etc.)

        • Preventive laboratory tests
 (cholesterol LDL/HDL, triglycerides, glucose, etc.)

      • Vaccinations
 (malaria, rabies, hepatitis, tetanus, yellow fever, etc.)

    • Outpatient rehabilitation measures (Cognitive rehabilitation, manual therapy, speech therapy e.g.)

  • Inpatient hospital stays (hospitalizations):

    • Medically necessary hospital stays (including food and hospital bed)

    • Surgeries (no cost limit as long as medically necessary).

    • Medical examinations and lab tests
(X-rays, blood analysis, CT, MRI, PET, etc.).

    • Medication, medical materials (bandages e.g.), and aids (e.g. aids for walking, rental of a wheelchair).

    • Home nursing care
following an inpatient hospital stay of at least 2 weeks (€200 per day up to @2,800 per year).

    • Inpatient rehabilitation measures (Cognitive rehabilitation, manual therapy, speech therapy e.g.)

    • Additionally with the Genki Resident Premium:

      • Single rooms.

      • The choice to be treated by the hospital's chief physician.

      • Daily allowance during a hospitalization (€50 per day starting from the 15th day of hospitalization and maximum up to 20 days).

  • Dental treatments:

    • Emergency pain relief treatments and accidents

    • Regular treatments such as extractions, fillings, inlays, root canal treatments e.g. (including high-quality materials)

    • Orthodontics for accident-related treatments up to 50% of the costs (dental implants, crowns e.g.)

    • Additionally with the Genki Resident Premium:

      • 2 professional dental cleanings per year

      • Orthodontics for non-accident related treatments up to 50% of the costs (braces, aligners e.g.)

  • Optical treatments:

    • Medical examinations (if medically necessary)

    • Additionally with the Genki Resident Premium:

      • Preventive medical examinations (check-ups)

      • Glasses and contact lenses (up to €300 every 2 years)

      • Eyesight laser correction surgery or LASIK (up to €2,000 per eye)

  • Mental health:

    • Emergency inpatient psychotherapy (hospitalizations)

    • Initial outpatient mental health care (this doesn't include psychotherapy but only the initial sessions (up to 3) for first-time mental and psychological disorders

    • Additionally with the Genki Resident Premium:

      • Outpatient psychotherapy (this includes full therapy without any session limit)

  • Pregnancy/Maternity:

    • Prenatal check-ups

    • Postnatal care (the newborn must be made an own insurance)

    • Childbirth, including midwives and birth assistants

    • 3 ultrasound examinations (throughout the pregnancy)

    • All Complications throughout the pregnancy (including those that cause an early forced birth by C-section).

    • Termination of the pregnancy if medically necessary

    • Additionally with the Genki Resident Premium:

      • First-trimester screening and amniocentesis (scan for any genetic disorders)

      • Preparation courses (up to €500 per pregnancy)

      • Postnatal exercises (up to €500 per pregnancy)

  • Emergency medical transport:

    • Emergency medical transport is covered to the nearest suitable hospital that offers the conditions of treatment for any specific condition. (No maximum coverage limit).

    • Search and Rescue operations up to €10,000 per year (in case of a hiking, sailing accident e.g.)

  • Transport for outpatient procedures (after an emergency or accident, to and from outpatient surgery, and to dialysis, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy e.g.)

  • Medical Repatriation.

    • You can request a medical repatriation back to your home country if the duration of the treatment justifies the request, and if the responsible doctor clears you as fit-to-fly. However, you must know that your insurance is terminated as soon as you arrive back in your home country. This means any follow-up treatments once you've returned to your home country should be covered by a local insurance or national health system. You decide if you want to request the repatriation back to your home country, it’s completely your choice. You can keep receiving the initial treatment in the country where the accident or emergency happens until you're able to return to your travels, and you can resume any possible follow-up treatments in different countries with the prior knowledge of the insurer.

  • Home country coverage of 180 days per year with all benefits still included.

The Genki Resident offers a very comprehensive coverage and package of benefits, but like any insurance, it has its limits and exclusions.

  • Professional sports (if you're earning any compensation for participating in a sport, any resulting injuries will not be covered).

  • Active participation in war (Consequences of actively participating in war activities aren't covered. Passive activities like a journalist reporting from a war zone are covered).

  • Medical tourism (traveling to a country different from the one where an emergency or medical condition starts with the only specific reason to receive treatment is not covered).

  • Coverage after medical repatriation (If you request a medical repatriation back to your home country the insurance is terminated once you return. Requesting the repatriation is completely your choice).

  • Non-medical travel-related costs (The Genki Resident is a high-quality international health insurance so it covers medical benefits and none other. Trip cancellation, trip interruption, flight delays, lost luggage, loss due to theft or burglary, and personal liabilities aren't covered. We recommend you check Air Help to request any compensation related to flights and trip cancellations.

  • Lifestyle products (e.g. potency, hair growth, weight reduction products) contraceptives, nutrients and tonics, vitamins, cosmetics, and similar products are not covered.

  • Deductible

    • You can reduce your monthly premium by adding a deductible to your insurance. In that case, the insurance will only cover costs after you reach the deductible amount. The deductible options are:

      • €1,000 per calendar year

      • €500 per calendar year

  • There is no overall waiting period apart from a few benefits:

    • Childbirth has a 10-month waiting period

    • Orthodontics that are necessary for treatments that are not related to accidents have a 10-month waiting period (only covered up to 50% and only covered by the GR Premium)

    • Outpatient Psychotherapy has a 10-month waiting period (only covered by the GR Premium)

    • Eyesight laser correction surgery (LASIK) is covered after 2 years (only covered by the GR Premium)

You can check the full information in the Consumer Conditons and table of benefits.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to drop us a chat message or email at [email protected].

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