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What is covered (and not covered) by Genki Explorer?
What is covered (and not covered) by Genki Explorer?
Pedro avatar
Written by Pedro
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Genki Explorer is a travel health insurance that offers a maximum 2-year contract.

Payments are charged monthly by credit or debit card and you can request the cancellation of your insurance at any time after the first month. No extra fees are charged per cancellation.

Every country in the world is covered, there are no exceptions. Yes, even countries with travel warnings.

There is no maximum limit for the amount of time you can stay in any country abroad, apart from the maximum contract of 2 years. You can stay in any country abroad for the total contract time without ever needing to go back to your home country.

In terms of benefits and overall coverage, Genki Explorer is the best travel health insurance out there. Why?

  • There is no overall maximum coverage limit. That's right! This means it doesn't matter how much a covered treatment costs, it will be covered no matter how high the price.

  • All types of accidents, emergencies, and common medical ailments.

  • Sports injuries (except resulting from excluded sports. Check more here).

  • Free choice of doctors and hospitals (for outpatient and inpatient care)

  • Telemedicine.

  • Direct payment to hospitals when hospitalization is needed.

  • Outpatient medical consultations, treatments, and procedures.

    • Any type of medical procedure (dialysis, colonoscopy, chemotherapy e.g., etc.).

    • Medical examinations and lab tests
 (X-rays, blood analysis, CT, MRI, PET, etc.).

    • Medication, medical materials (bandages e.g.), and aids (e.g. aids for walking, rental of a wheelchair).

  • Inpatient hospital stays (hospitalizations).

    • Medically necessary hospital stays (including food and hospital bed)

    • Surgeries (no cost limit as long as medically necessary).

    • Medical examinations and lab tests
(X-rays, blood analysis, CT, MRI, PET, etc.).

    • Medication, medical materials (bandages e.g.), and aids (e.g. aids for walking, rental of a wheelchair).

  • Emergency dental treatments.

    • Dental treatments needed for pain relief are covered up to €500 per case

    • Dental treatments resulting from accidents are covered up to €1000 per case.

  • Mental health care

    • Initial outpatient mental health care is covered up to €1,500 (Exclusive to any non-diagnosed mental and psychological disorders up to a maximum of 3-5 sessions. This does not include psychotherapy).

    • Emergency inpatient mental treatments for mental and psychological disorders occurring for the first time up to a total of €20,000 per case.

  • Pregnancy/Maternity.

    • Prenatal check-ups up to (and including) the 12th week of pregnancy.

    • 2 ultrasound examinations (any other scans that show to be medically necessary due to complications will also be covered).

    • Childbirth (hospital or home birth), including midwives and birth assistants.

    • All Complications throughout the pregnancy (including those that cause an early forced birth by C-section).

    • Postnatal care for both the mother and newborn up to €50.000 per pregnancy.

    • It's important to note that all pregnancy-related benefits have a 10-month waiting period to be covered, including childbirth.

  • Emergency medical transport.

    • Emergency medical transport is covered to the nearest suitable hospital that offers the conditions of treatment for any specific condition. (No maximum coverage limit).

  • Medical Repatriation.

    • You can request a medical repatriation back to your home country if the duration of the treatment justifies the request, and if the responsible doctor clears you as fit-to-fly. However, you must know that your insurance is terminated as soon as you arrive back in your home country. This means any follow-up treatments once you've returned to your home country should be covered by a local insurance or national health system. You decide if you want to request the repatriation back to your home country, it’s completely your choice. You can keep receiving the initial treatment in the country where the accident or emergency happens until you're able to return to your travels, and you can resume any possible follow-up treatments in different countries with the prior knowledge of the insurer.

  • Home country coverage of 6 weeks per 180 consecutive days for accidents and life-threatening emergencies only.

Genki Explorer offers a very comprehensive coverage and package of benefits, but like any insurance, it has its limits and exclusions.

  • Pre-existing conditions are not covered by the Genki Explorer. A pre-existing condition is any condition for which someone received treatment or medical advice somewhere within the prior 6 months to the start of the insurance, and any condition for which someone knows they’ll need treatment before starting the insurance.

  • Dangerous activities/sports (Diving, motorcycle & car racing (normal driving is fine), parachuting, paragliding, bungee & base jumping, free climbing, and mountaineering (if specialized equipment is required) are not covered).

  • Professional sports (if you're earning any compensation for participating in a sport, any resulting injuries will not be covered).

  • Drugs and excessive alcohol (injuries resulting from accidents which are a consequence of drugs or high alcohol consumption are not covered).

  • Active participation in war (Consequences of actively participating in war activities aren't covered. Passive activities like a journalist reporting from a war zone are covered).

  • Medical tourism (traveling to a country different from the one where an emergency or medical condition starts with the only specific reason to receive treatment is not covered).

  • Coverage after medical repatriation (If you request a medical repatriation back to your home country the insurance is terminated once you return. Requesting the repatriation is completely your choice).

  • Non-medical travel-related costs (The Genki Explorer is a high-quality travel health insurance so it covers medical benefits and none other. Trip cancellation, trip interruption, flight delays, lost luggage, loss due to theft or burglary, and personal liabilities aren't covered. We recommend you check Air Help to request any compensation related to flights and trip cancellations.

  • Deductible

    • You can choose a deductible of €50 per case to reduce the price of your insurance. In that case, the insurance will only cover costs over that deductible. The €50 deductible is applied once per insurance case.)

    • You can simply just choose to be insured without any deductible which means any covered treatments can be covered from the first Euro.

  • Home country

    • Cover in your home country is restricted to 6 weeks per 180 days and only includes accidents and life-threatening emergencies.

    • Coverage is only activated when you leave your home country after the insurance start date, or if you're already traveling outside your home country when the insurance starts. Meaning, If you're still in your home country upon the insurance start date, you will have to leave your home country first before coverage can be effectively activated.

  • Waiting period

    • If you signed up while already traveling the first 14 days of coverage are restricted to accidents and life-threatening emergencies.

    • There's no waiting period if you have healthcare coverage elsewhere until your coverage with us begins. Check more details about the waiting period here.

  • Pre-existing pregnancies

    • For a pregnancy that has already started before the start of the insurance, the cover is restricted to acute and unforeseeable deterioration in the health of the mother or child.

    • Please take important notice that start dates are set according to the German timezone.

      Start hours will be always at midnight German time, minimum of one day after purchase.

You can check the full information in the Consumer Conditons and table of benefits.

Looking for more benefits or long-life insurance? Check out Genki Resident.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to drop us a chat message or email at [email protected].

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