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Waiting Period With Genki Traveler
Waiting Period With Genki Traveler

Coverage During the Initial 14 Days of Insurance

Pedro avatar
Written by Pedro
Updated today

When you first start your Genki Traveler, coverage during the initial 14 days is limited to accidents and life-threatening emergencies. However, there are ways to skip the waiting period and receive full coverage from day one.

How to Skip the Waiting Period

You can skip the waiting period and receive full coverage from day one if:

✔ You have prior insurance that covers you up to the start of your Genki Traveler.
✔ There is no gap between your previous insurance and your new Genki policy.

Coverage Conditions for Skipping the Waiting Period

Prior Insurance Coverage must include:

  • The country where you are located when your Genki Traveler begins, or

  • The country where you were staying before starting Genki Traveler, if the insurance starts on the same day your trip begins.

If You Are in Your Home Country

When starting your Genki Traveler in your home country:

Coverage will not take effect until you leave your home country.
✔ However, if you start your insurance in your home country and leave for your trip on the same day or the following day, the waiting period will be waived.

Example: If your insurance starts while you're in your home country and you leave for your trip within one day, the waiting period will be skipped.​

If you have any questions about the waiting period or coverage details, feel free to check your Member Center or contact us at [email protected] for more information! 😊

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