Genki Resident offers an extensive range of pregnancy/maternity benefits that go beyond medically necessary treatment by adding preparation courses and check-ups.
The benefits include:
Prenatal check-ups
Postnatal care (the newborn must be made an own insurance)
Childbirth, including midwives and birth assistants (after a 10-month waiting period)
3 ultrasound examinations (throughout the pregnancy)
All Complications throughout the pregnancy (including those that cause an early forced birth by C-section).
Termination of the pregnancy if medically necessary
Additionally with the Genki Resident Premium:
First-trimester screening and amniocentesis (scan for any genetic disorders)
Preparation courses (up to €500 per pregnancy)
Postnatal exercises (up to €500 per pregnancy)
Check also these articles to be prepared to use your insurance:
If you have any questions don't hesitate to drop us a chat message or email at [email protected].