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Pregnancy coverage with Genki Explorer
Pregnancy coverage with Genki Explorer
Pedro avatar
Written by Pedro
Updated over 5 months ago

Genki Explorer, unlike many other travel health insurances, offers pregnancy benefits, which makes it one of the most comprehensive in terms of benefits and overall coverage.

What is included?

  • Prenatal check-ups up to (and including) the 12th week of pregnancy.

  • 2 ultrasound examinations (any other scans that show to be medically necessary due to complications will also be covered).

  • Childbirth (hospital or home birth), including midwives and birth assistants.

  • All Complications throughout the pregnancy (including those that cause an early forced birth by C-section).

  • Postnatal care for both the mother and newborn is up to €50.000 per pregnancy.

Is there a waiting period?

  • Yes, there is a 10-month waiting period for any pregnancy-related benefit, including childbirth.

What if the pregnancy is pre-existing to the insurance?

  • Suppose the pregnancy starts before the insurance coverage will be limited to acute and unforeseeable deterioration in the health of the mother or child. That includes also any labor complications, however, regular labor, check-ups, birth assistants & midwives, and postnatal care are not included.

Are waterbirths covered?

If you are thinking about delivering your baby by watebirth take note that any additional costs in relation to a normal birth are not insured. It's necessary to quantify the difference and contact the insurer's claims department upfront to be sure, the request is accepted if there is a medical justification to the same. Being an insurance agent, Genki's customer support will not be able to provide any upfront guarantees if you're looking to buy insurance for this reason, it's always necessary to contact the insurer (DR-WALTER) while being already insured with sufficient medical information to be sure the procedure will be covered.

Looking for more benefits or long-life insurance? Check out the Genki Resident.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to drop us a chat message or email at [email protected].

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